Satint John of the Cross Catholic Parishes (St. John Valley Catholics) are a group of 8 full time Catholic Churches and 2 seasonal chapels with worshipping communities located along the St. John River at the Northern Tip of the State of Maine. The St. John River divides Maine from the Canadian Provinces of New Brunswick and Quebec. St. John Valley Catholics are predominately Franco American Catholics, with a French Acadian Culture being the dominant cultural heritage of the region. These Catholic Church buildings dominate the landscape in each of the villages and towns along the river. The French language is often heard no matter where one travels along the river. The Church communities are divided into two clusters; the eastern end of the river valley and the western end of the river valley. The western cluster is the Parish of St. John Vianney which includes the towns of Fort Kent, St. Francis, Wallagrass, and Eagle Lake. Our Cluster on the eastern end of the river valley is made up of three Parishes; St. Peter Chanel Parish which includes the towns of Hamlin, Van Buren and Keegan; Notre Dame du Mont Carmel Parish includes the towns of Grand Isle, St. David, and Madawaska; and Our Lady of the Valley Parish includes the towns of Frenchville, St. Agatha, and Sinclair. We welcome you to our website where you can learn more of our region and more importantly where you can learn of the life of faith in our communities.
With my prayers,
Fr. Kent Ouellette
Notre Dame du Mont Carmel
St. Thomas Aquinas Church
Madawaska, ME.
St. David Church
St. David, ME
St. Gerard Church
Grand Isle, ME
Our Lady Of The Valley
St. Agatha Church
St. Agatha, ME
St. Luce Church
Upper Frenchville, ME
St. Joseph Church
Sinclair, ME
St. Peter Chanel
St. Bruno Church
Van Buren, ME
St. Joseph Church
Hamlin, ME
Our Two Seasonal Chapels
St Michael's Chapel
Long Lake Road
St. David, ME
Grande Isle, ME